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Featured Boss: Rita Brooks / Hidden & Found


Woman Boss Wednesday: Hi, Rita. Thank you for allowing Woman Boss Wednesday to feature you! Before we begin can you tell the reader a little about yourself?

Rita: I am a 30 year old wife and mommy originally from Miami, now living in Atlanta. I am absolutely in love with Jesus and everything I say, do and post is to bring Him glory and bring people into a greater knowledge of who He is.

Woman Boss Wednesday: What inspired you to create your Blog Hidden and Found?

Rita: Hidden & Found was birthed from a number of things. When I first got engaged and even now I would receive all types of messages from women, some I knew and some I didn’t who wanted advice about a guy they were dating or how to get a husband or just advice as a single woman in general. I was so surprised, but I also like being a blessing to people in whatever form I can so I would just answer their questions to the best of my ability and pray for them as I was led. I would also listen to some of my single friends and just hear the horror stories about dating as a Christian woman and how they desire to be married and how there weren’t a lot of good men out there, and it brought up some of the challenges that I had while I was single. I have so many stories to tell and so much wisdom to share both from experience and through the divine providence of the Holy Spirit, so a blog regarding this particular subject has been on my heart for a while now. I am newly married which means I am not too far removed from that season of singleness and the lessons that came from it, so my heart is to just be transparent and share and encourage other women through my own journey as well as the Word of God so that they can get the God kind of results. God has blessed me tremendously, but my life has not always been glitter and roses, and there were some things that I had to walk through and be intentional about in order to see the promises manifested. If I can help others in their journey by encouraging them as they walk through some things or help them avoid certain things altogether, that would bring me so much joy and I feel like I am fulfilling one of my missions here on earth.


Woman Boss Wednesday: What would be your advice for a new blogger?

Rita: My advice would be to study your craft. I always like to read how to blogs and articles regarding blogging because there are so many things you can do with your blog nowadays in this technological era. I would also say that you have to be passionate about what you’re writing about because that translates into your writing. I would suggest being consistent, and always remember why you started whenever you want to quit because you never know who you might be helping with your words.


Woman Boss Wednesday: How do you balance blogging, spending time with God, and being a full time mommy?

Rita: It’s a challenge! It is definitely work and it does not come easy, but it does get easier with time. I make sure to prioritize and plan as much as possible. I wake up 30 min.-1 hour prior to when my baby wakes up (she usually wakes around the 7 o’ clock hour so I’m up by 6:30) so that I can just have my own quiet time with God because once she’s up it’s non stop from there. I usually find the time to write once she goes to bed after 9pm or on the weekends. I am fortunate because she is on a schedule so it makes it easier for me to plan my days. A lot of prayer and a lot of relying on God’s grace has helped me to balance everything quite well. That doesn’t mean that some days/weeks I don’t get off balance or fall short because I totally do, but I just keep it moving and try to get better every day.


Woman Boss Wednesday: What should we be expecting in the future? YouTube, Conferences, etc.

Rita: I have so many ideas, but I like to be led by God in every single thing that I do, the big and the small so I work in His timing, but you can expect some videos coming through the advice column of my blog, maybe some Facebook Live sessions and eventually a book that will be written by both my husband and I.


Woman Boss Wednesday: What’s your favorite quote?

"The ultimate measure of a [wo]man is not where [s]he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where [s]he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Social Media: Instagram: personal: @littlemrsrita blog: @hiddenandfound Website:

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